A Division of Drew Berry & Associates, LLC
(OTT, Online, Print, Broadcast, Cable, Mobile)
We help news operations create and improve the quality and quantity of their video content .
We help maximize multimedia staff efficiencies by providing interactive training on newsgathering and editing tools, storytelling skills and delivery techniques.
Training Areas for News Organizations
*Multimedia training modules that help print, broadcast, cable and online journalists transition to meet today's demands as digital platform content providers
*Training modules for managers to give them the expertise necessary to lead and manage the process toward more and better video content
*Introduction to and training on newsgathering tools ranging from the budget conscious smartphone devices to high-end video and audio equipment
*Time-saving techniques to meet increasing demand for video web content
*Producing quality video reports for the web
*Techniques to turn "visually boring" stories into
visually engaging stories
*Storytelling with pictures and sound
*Powerful reporting and creative "standups"
*Video editing software and techniques
* "Powerful Pacing" for storytelling
*On-camera and voice delivery
*Helping managers manage the process